Considerations To Know About el secreto

Considerations To Know About el secreto

Blog Article

God, I am so Unwell of The key. I simply cannot realize why everyone is so enthralled with it. That guide is at the highest of every bestseller list and It is overall crap. You're not gonna get what you wish by considering how much you'd like it. I imply, Indeed to beneficial considering and all of that, but the part they neglected was you even have to accomplish something for making items happen.

Often when people initial hear this Element of The key they recall situations in historical past exactly where masses of life were shed, and so they find it incomprehensible that so Lots of people might have attracted on their own to the event

In a weak moment I succumbed! It absolutely was on sale And that i way too desired to know "the secret" Now I'm sure-I just take into consideration checks each day and voila-my mailman will bring them to me!

حين يقول " تفاءلوا بالخير تجدوه " و أيضًا " لا تمارضوا فتمرضوا فتموتوا "

ولكن هناك أمثلة أخرى جانب التفكير السلبي فيها غير مؤثر إطلاقاً, كالأمثلة التي أوردها فرانسيس جالتون, وهي كالتالي: إذا كان ما تتمنونه يتحقق, وهناك عشرات الملايين حول العالم يتمنون بشغاف قلبهم أن يحفظ الله ملوك بريطانيا, فلماذا لم يخلدوا أو على الأقل عاشوا بعض آلاف من السنين؟!

a) Respetar en todas sus acciones la dignidad de la persona humana sin distinción de ninguna naturaleza.

For associations to actually function we must deal with what we take pleasure in in regards to the other individual, not what we’re complaining about

This is actually the "As you sow, so shall ye enjoy" philosophy minus any genuine sowing, a fairy dust notion that all of us at one place in our life have espoused: It is really referred to as magical thinking. We are alleged to outgrow it.

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Your daily life today is a reflection of the previous thoughts. That features all the great matters, and every one of the items you think about not so fantastic. Because you catch the attention of to you what you website think about most, it is not difficult to see what your dominant ideas happen to be on each individual matter of your daily life, due to the fact that's what you may have skilled . . . Now you will be Understanding The Secret, and with this expertise, you could alter all the things.

وأخيرا لماذا يصدق الناس الخرافات بهذه الطريقة؟؟ لقد بدأ المحتوى كفيلم سينمائي, ثم بيع كشريط, ثم ككتاب, وفي كل المراحل باع ملايين النسخ!!.

ودا لينك لريفيو رغم إنه طويل, لكنه يلخص الكثير من محتويات الكتاب: ...

مؤسف ان في مطابع تعبت نفسها وكلفت نفسها عشان تطلع طبعة انيقة لكتاب قيمته وكلامه اقل بكتيييييييييييييييييير من الورق اللي مكتوب عليه

أنهض و أقول " الحمدلله " .. لا أخرج من الفراش حتى أكون قد شعرت بمشاعر الامتنان

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